Guidance to Organizations for Identifying LILL Emerging Leaders

Cohort 5 – Year One Summer Institute 2023

日期: June 21 through June 23, 2023
The 2023 Summer Institute will be in Savannah, Georgia
每个新兴领导者445美元, which supports the cost of any resources, 餐, 全年的支持, 以及项目促进者.

How can I know who is a LILL Emerging Leader?

Each organization should have a system for selecting your representative for the next Cohort for LILL.

We strongly encourage organizations to consider LILL Emerging Leaders that have the potential to impact the organization, not necessarily existing leaders that are already doing so. We also encourage you to think about the character and resumé of those you are considering as well as the population they will serve.

Here are some guiding questions as you carefully choose your LILL Emerging Leader:

  • Who has shown creatvity, perspective-shifting, and innovation in developing solutions?
  • Who has persevered when confronted with an obstacle, 问题, or issue and can be counted on to complete it?
  • Who has demonstrated commitment to and ownership in your organization and has the potential capacity to expand his/her/their layers of leadership?
  • Whose voice has not been heard (recently) at the organizational level?
  • How will this nominee increase the diversity and inclusion of representatives at the organizational level?

Just as you are looking for those whom you can tap, encourage self-nominations for educators who may not otherwise be seen. Here are some guiding questions for candidates:

  • How has your growth mindset shaped your journey?
  • What strategies do you use to be open to ideas, to finish projects, to empower others?
  • Where are you in your leadership journey?
  • What communities are you already impacting? How have you contributed to the profession locally and where you are looking to grow?
  • How does your background uniquely position you to represent and contribute to the community?
  • In the spirit of self-nomination, you may want to consider something similar to the CCFLT (Colorado) LILL Application for Cohort 5 (2023-2024).


How can the organization support the expectations of a LILL Emerging Leader?

Here are some considerations as you support your nominee:

  • This is a two-year commitment: pre-Institute learning, 夏季1(2021年)研究所, bridge-year经验, and Summer 2 (2022) Institute. This includes a time commitment of the Emerging Leader as well as a financial commitment of the organization for registration, 旅行, 和住宿.
  • The LILL Emerging Leader will develop an action plan, in collaboration with the sending organization, starting in Summer 1 and beginning implementation during the bridge year so that summer 2 can focus on providing support and building leadership capacity to overcome challenges and barriers.
  • The LILL Emerging Leaders' development of an action plan is a key element in this leadership initiative. it should be an organic and dynamic process starting in the first summer by evaluating the needs of the organization and putting an action plan in place that both supports the organization and aligns to the passions of the LILL Emerging Leader. It would not be prudent to send the LILL Emerging Leader wiht a plan ready to implement, especially one with limited scope and short-term effects.